Ariocarpus agavoides

Ariocarpus agavoides Ariocarpus agavoides
Date: 1996 November 5
Location: Tamaulipas

Seen here growing with Stenocactus pentacanthus in ground resembling dried mud. The area must be quite wet during the rainy season (Summer). Although heavily collected in the past, Ariocarpus agavoides still seems to be present in good numbers. Perhaps fortunately, the plants must be difficult to find except when in flower.

Ariocarpus agavoides

But when in flower, they are rather obvious!

Ariocarpus agavoides A second plant (not in flower) can be seen at bottom right with just its tubercles protruding from the ground.

Ariocarpus agavoides Yet another flower.

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Author: Clarke Brunt (
Last modified: 2nd February 1997