Nepenthes maxima. I first displayed the picture of an
'upper' pitcher at left asking
if anyone could identify the species for me, and the general consensus
is that is is N. maxima. It was sent to me some time ago as an
unrooted cutting by Andreas Wistuba. This pitcher
is about 12cm in length (from base to tip of lid). It is still thriving in
a rather cold bathroom, despite being in the depths of Winter.
A distinguishing feature is that the
leaf blade is rounded, perhaps twice as long as wide, and the leaf edges
meet the tendril (at the pitcher end) at right angles, rather than just
tapering into it as in some other species.
The plant has since grown a rosette of leaves at the base of the vine,
and these bear 'lower' pitchers, which it is scarcely possible to
believe are on the same plant.