Ariocarpus bravoanus
Date: 1996 November 4
Location: San Luis Potosí
Ariocarpus bravoanus is threatened by illicit collecting.
We observed several holes in the ground where plants should have
been, and Charlie Glass could no longer find a 20-headed cluster
which he had observed before. We also heard that Dr. Manuel Sotomayor,
of the San Luis Potosí Cactus Society,
visited the site around this
time, and disturbed 4 non-Mexican individuals, who hurriedly left as
they saw him approach, abandoning around 24 plants which they had
removed. Dr. Sotomayor replanted them, in the slight hope that they
might survive.
Two plants of Ariocarpus bravoanus in bud, growing with
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus.
A large specimen of Ariocarpus bravoanus.